Students vs. staff holiday favorites: music
For some, it happens the day after Thanksgiving. For others, it starts when the radio stations see fit. For a few, it begins during winter break. No matter when it occurs, we love when holiday music season rolls around. BHS is a diverse school. With different ethnic and religious backgrounds, teachers old and new, transfer students, and foreign exchange, we take pride in our diverse background here at The Beav!
With the winter season in full swing, I wondered what some of the favorite holiday songs were for the people in our community. I thought it would be interesting to see what the difference between student and teacher’s favorite songs would be, so I took a list of students and teachers and asked them all the same question: “What is your favorite holiday song?” Here is how they replied.
Students | Teachers |
Kate Bauman – All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey) | Buckingham – The Christmas Song (Nat Kinkle) |
Anne Chhing – Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer | Rosenberger – All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey) |
Colin Crandle – The First Noel | Brad – Carol of the Bells |
Jacey Davidson – All I want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey) | Carol – Let it Snow |
Marshall Nicholas – Jingle Bells | Hottmann – O, Holy Night |
Anei Yel – All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey) | Wischer – Alice’s Restaurant |
Madeline Dunlap – All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey) | Pederson – White Christmas |
Nick Uchida – Cold December Night (Michael Bublé) | Evans – Christmas Time is Here (Charlie Brown Christmas) |

I was hoping to find something more conclusive from the “Favorite Holiday Song” search. While there is a slight pattern of the students favoring celebrity renditions such as, “Cold December Night” by Michael Bulbé, and pop originals like “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. There were also more classic answers like childhood favorites and “The First Noel”. The teachers that were interviewed had a pretty wide variety of what they liked to listen during this season. While Mr. Wischer chose his favorite 20 minute Thanksgiving-themed song, “Alice’s Restaurant”, other teachers liked the wintery songs more.
Overall, it was fun to see how faces lit up and how the thinking caps were put on when I asked the simple question. Seeing tradition in BHS is inspiring and leads us to be one big community whether it’s the holidays or not.
A holiday favorite of Senior, Anne Chhing, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was one! Photos courtesy of Google.