Two months ago in September, Beaverton High School Leadership constructed the decorations and games for the annual Homecoming Assembly, and for the Homecoming Dance the next evening.
On the Friday before the dance, there was an assembly in the main gym. It started with a student named Kylie Kuns-McCoy singing “I Know Things Now” from “Into the Woods.” Next up was Mr. Sarmiento, the Student Leadership Advisor, who started the assembly with an introduction. After that, another student, Crow Fernandez, sang a second Disney song, “So This Is Love” from “Cinderella.”
Students from Leadership interviewed the Homecoming Court on the decorated gym floor: Who is your favorite Disney character? What is your favorite food? Answers included Mr. Incredible and apple crisp. In the spotlight, there was more singing between the grade-level introductions and special handshakes of court members.
And there was another group of students that sang a Disney song, “A Whole New World” from “Aladdin.” This was performed by three students, Alexa Frencillo, Jamela Oribello, and Mina Osman.
Then students had an opportunity to vote for which court member to crown the Homecoming King or Queen. As Bucky Beaver, our school mascot, was about to crown a new Homecoming King or Queen, the lights went out. Two students dressed in black and wearing pink masks walked toward Bucky (while the theme from “Pink Panther” played) and grabbed him, kidnapping him, and hiding him somewhere in the gym.
A new game started where the court was split into two groups to solve Disney-themed puzzles. During the first round, they put Dumbo ears on a poster, then round two was mystery solving, and finally, the court wrapped one of their own with toilet paper to make a snowman! Finally, they guessed where Bucky was hidden, in a green box near the basketball hoop. All the students ripped the box open to free Bucky!
After they were done, Student Leadership removed the paper floor so that the assembly could be finished with our BHS cheerleaders, Rhythm B’s, and band playing and dancing to the Fight Song. Sarmiento gave a closing statement and then students were dismissed.