Wrestling takes down first match

Joseph Espero throws his partner on the ground for a take down on Wednesday December 9th at home.
This season looks promising for the Beaverton wrestling team. On Wednesday, December 9th, the Beavers faced Westview at home for their first Metro League meet.
Things started off shaky with a quick pair of wins by Westview in the lightweight divisions, but Beaverton’s heavier classes tried to pull a rope that was no longer loose. Although Beaverton came up short on team points, the Beavers sought to put up strong fights nonetheless and gave the audience an exciting meet to enjoy.
In the 126 weight class, Daniel Smith had a series of beautiful takedowns, and three and two-point near falls in the second. Smith dominated the match against his Westview opponent and landed a victory 12-1.
Evan Kepner built excitement in the gym and was the aggressor and dominator the entire match. Continuing to utilize his single-leg move, Kepner made a comeback late in the third with a two-point takedown to tie the match. Kepner and his partner went into minute overtime. Unfortunately, he lost 10-12 with a Westview takedown.
Things looked brighter for the Beavers from weight classes 160 out. Joseph Espero had success over his opponent in a 9-4 win. Espero went in the down position at the start of the second round and came on top to get the pin.
Running onto the matt, Yovanie Galindo burst with energy eager to start his match. Galindo took the match and won by fall, coming over the top with a ¾ stack to pin his contender.
Gordon Smith seemingly toyed with his opponent during his match. In the first round, Smith had taken his partner down three times and had gotten a two-point near fall. Smith only allowed his partner to earn two escape points. Twenty seconds into the second round, Smith pinned his opponent.
To end the night in the heavyweight division, Josh Poppleton had a tough and equal match. Poppleton came alive in the second round pinning his challenger with ninety seconds left on the clock.
The match was close, but at the hands of two forfeits by Beaverton, Westview came on top. Nevertheless, the season looks bright for the 13 boys on the varsity team.