The best of the best: Our favorite Halloween costumes

Twinkle twinkle little star!
As we transition from September to October, we kick off the start of the greatest season ever: Spooky Season. Yes, cuffing season starts around this time, and that’s cool. But it’s not on the same level. Spooky Season is can be enjoyed by everyone, from children to people who are, um, older (but are still kids at heart).
With all sorts of potential costume ideas, the creativity expressed is a sight to see. Sometimes, these costumes are cute, like a kid in a dinosaur costume. Well, it’s probably the fact that it’s a kid. You see a 25-year-old guy wearing a dinosaur costume and it’s either hysterical or sad.
Here’s a list of the 10 best costumes for Halloween, using data collected by top researchers from the Hummer. Okay, not really. But it’s a solid list. The costumes are judged on their effectiveness at being scary, funny, punny, epic, and various other attributes. Let’s get to it.
1. Donald Trump
There’s nothing like honoring our beloved president by dressing up like him on Halloween. It’s easy. All you need is a spray tan or Cheeto dust, a blonde toupee, and a blue suit with a white undershirt and a red tie. Instead of saying “Trick or Treat” at every door, say “Covfefe.” You’ll be impossible to tell apart from the president.
2. Make America Grate Again
It’s fitting to put our president’s campaign slogan as the next costume, because not only is the costume cheesy (tee-hee), so is the slogan, “Make America Great Again.” That’s obvious. It’s not like he’s doing a good job at that. Why not be punny while mocking the president?
3. The Breakfast Club
This is the poster child for the phrase “Gosh mom, it’s not a phase.” You could dress as anyone from the movie, but John (the rebel), according to adults, is the most fitting. Someone will make a joke, saying, “Where’s your costume?” and laugh because they think they’re clever. Play the song and throw your fist up in the air if you decide to be John, though. It’s a must.
4. Step Brothers
Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are hilarious on their own. Put them together, and you’re bound to pee yourself from laughing so hard. Step Brothers is no exception. Get yourself some curly-haired wigs and vests, and make the same face that these guys are making. Throw in some (appropriate) lines from the movie and recreate a few scenes. You’re bound to spark some laughter, and hopefully, score more candy for it.
5. Bob Ross
This is a must on the list. It’s Bob Ross, the definition of artsy. With a poofy afro, a great beard and mustache, and a positive attitude, the dude was an icon. He was hippy-dippy, and everyone loved it. He painted pictures of nature and played with squirrels. We all wish we could do that instead of being in school. He dropped out of high school, was a Master Sergeant in the Air Force, and turned out to be the coolest and nicest guy. He vowed to never yell again after leaving the Air Force. Why would someone not consider being Bob Ross for Halloween?
6. Forrest Gump
“My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Keep this in mind while you’re out there getting candy, because you may get a box of chocolates. Probably not in a heart-shaped box, or even a variety box. That would make things creepy. And if you tick someone off, “Run, Forrest, run!”
7. Netflix and Chill
If you’re too scared to ask someone directly, send a subliminal message. They’ll get what you’re asking for. I know what you’re thinking, you perverts. But a “Netflix and Chill” session can consist of soft and fluffy blankets, popcorn, hot chocolate, and snuggling. Just make that message clear if those are your intentions. Otherwise, you’re on your own.
8. One Nightstand
This guy had to have won the costume contest at whatever party he went to because this is clever. Definitely more for the Greek Life scene, but still a good costume to keep in mind. He seems like a good guy, though. The picture on the nightstand is either of his sister, his girlfriend or someone who calls him their friend. (Lord, save him if he’s in the friend zone.)
9. Darla and Nemo
If you don’t understand this reference, your childhood did not live up to its full potential. Finding Nemo is the best Disney film. The scenes with Darla are priceless, and this kid captures the essence of it perfectly. To nail this costume, dress like the kid in the picture above. From there, all you need to do is take the bag with the fake fish and shake it violently while screaming.
10. Cast Away
Yeah, it’s another Tom Hanks costume. He was in a lot of good movies, and Cast Away is no exception. The movie is a classic. He was Survivorman before Survivorman. Wilson was a real one for putting up with Tom Hanks going crazy. Oh wait, he’s a volleyball. An inanimate object. Regardless, this costume can impress many. Who doesn’t love this movie, and who doesn’t love the star of this movie?