If you said “The pen is mightier than the sword” in the land of Bremblestepp, everyone from warriors to children would laugh at you. In this land, the guards were lax on crime and civilians feared for their lives daily. Thus the people of Bremblestepp always carried a sword, ax, or staff on them to protect themselves from any possible danger.
One day, however, a wizard named Adamus P. Sumerian came to town with no weapons whatsoever, leaving him vulnerable to robbery. He went to a suspicious saloon in town to order an ice water when a man with a long sword went up to him and told him, “Give me everything in that bag of yours, or you’ll regret it!”
This didn’t bother Adamus as he simply replied, “Leave me alone, or you’ll regret it.”
This angered the robber as he was trying to steal Adamus’ money.
“And how’s that?” The robber responded, “You have no weapon.”
Adamus responded, “The pen is mightier than the sword my dear,” in a cocky overconfident fashion for a man who has a blade to his neck.
The robber laughed at him. Soon another man asked why the robber was laughing and he told him what Adamus said, and before long the other man was laughing too. In time the entire saloon was laughing at what they thought was a loony, overconfident old man.
Adamus yelled, “Attention everybody!”
All the patrons shut up to listen to what he was going to say next. Adamus grabbed his pen and a piece of paper and wrote the word “Clumsy” on it. Adamus handed the robber the paper and soon the paper was absorbed into the robber’s skin. The robber was confused but still wanted Adamus’ money so he grabbed his sword and slashed it at Adamus’s head… only to drop his sword before he could make contact. The robber tried to grab his sword but instead slipped and fell on the ground. Soon the crowd went from laughing at Adamus to the robber.
“Would everyone please be quiet?” asked Adamus but nobody listened as they continued to laugh.
Adamus decided enough was enough, he grabbed another slip of paper and wrote “Respectful” on it with his magic pen. He then placed the paper on the floorboards and it was absorbed into the saloon. Immediately, everyone was dead silent and apologized to Adamus and the robber for being rude.
“Good,” said Adamus as he continued, “Now remember, the pen is mightier than the sword.” Everyone listened and as he left they wondered, “What just happened?”
Soon Adamus left the saloon and started to change things all over town. He wrote “Responsible” on a lazy guard, who stood up and fixed his posture; “Understanding” on a mother, yelling at her child; “Good Boy” on a dog, who didn’t change at all; “Generous” to the king, who gave his wealth to his subjects; “Delicious” on an ice cream parlor, changing the ice cream to mint chocolate chip; and finally “Safe” on the town walls securing the treacherous town forever.
The End