Competitors shine at All-State Band and Choir
All-State Band
Colin Crandal, Percussion
How did you feel when you were told you made All-State Band?
I was excited. I wasn’t really prepared to make it. It was a surprise to me.
How long have you been playing percussion?
I’ve been playing drums since 3rd grade, and I started playing percussion in 7th grade cause the girl I liked played percussion.
Why did you start?
My dad bought a drum set because he’s a musician, but he doesn’t really play drums and he wanted to learn, so he bought a drum set and I started playing it. And when I started playing percussion in 7th grade I got really into it, and over the years I’ve gotten more and more obsessed with it. Now I’m in it to win it.
Were there any obstacles you had to overcome?
Yeah, last year I didn’t make it because I didn’t have the book with the pieces I needed to play in it, so I sent in an incomplete tape last year. But this year, I had someone who had the book, so I was able to follow through with that.
Alex Lopez, Trombone
How did you feel when you were told you made All-State Band?
I was pretty ecstatic about it. I worked really hard for the audition piece, so to see my work pay off was really exciting.
How did you start?
I actually started in 6th grade when we were allowed to try out instruments and there were two instruments that I could make noise out of. One of them was the clarinet, and the other was the trombone. 6th grade me kinda sounded like a flatulation, so I thought that was funny so I was like “Oh, I’ll play this instrument,” so that’s how I got my trombone career started. I’m not necessarily proud of that, but that’s the truth.
How does being on All-State motivate you further in your trombone career?
I know that I’m going to meet people that are just levels ahead of me there. For me, personally, that’s just so exciting to be able to meet someone that’s just a world above you and realize that as long as I work towards it, I can one day be there. For trombone, that’s been awesome for me and helped me move forward. Those people in particular helped me a bunch.
All-State Choir
Joshua Davies, Baritone
How long have you been singing?
I’ve actually started really trying to sing just this year, but I have sung in choir through 6th 7th, and 8th grade and I’ve sung in the shower.
So how did you start singing?
Actually, it was that in middle school. How I joined the choir was that when I was in 5th grade, my brother was in 8th grade and 5th-8th grade could be in the same choir, so it was the only year my brother and I could be in the choir together. However, I didn’t do it that year, so I felt bad and joined the next year and was like, “Hey, this is pretty cool.”
Is there a piece you always sing in the shower?
Whatever comes to my mind.
How often do you practice?
Does this motivate you in your singing career in the future?
Probably, if I can’t get into programming.
Has anyone helped you accomplish this?
My mom. She was my piano teacher as a little kid and is a professional pianist currently, so she helps me out.
Matthew Hockman, Baritone
How long have you been singing in choir?
Since 7th grade.
How did you start singing?
Well, originally I joined choir for an easy A, and then I realized that I kinda like doing it. It was sophomore year, when I got voted most improved in my choir, and I realized that I wasn’t bad at choir, even though it’s kind of a joke to get voted most improved. After that, I moved here and got pushed into a leadership role, and that was when I realized that I could take choir seriously as opposed to just trying to get an A in the class.
How often do you practice?
Every day, singing in the shower. But serious practice—I have my piano at home and I do repetition of scales and stuff in the morning.
Who inspires you?
My mom has always inspired me to do this and to always step out of my shell. And a close friend last year—she was a senior in choir—her name’s Kate Stone. She really inspired me to try out for my first solo last year. That was a huge step for me.