Beaverton OSAA spring sports are coming
February 26, 2020
March marks the beginning of spring sports. As the days get longer and the sun starts shining, tennis players, golfers, baseball players, softball players, and track and field participants begin their seasons.
The first thing to note if you wish to join a spring sport is that the deadline to turn in paperwork is Monday, March 2. Coaches are eager to have you participate but are unable to do so if you do not turn in your paperwork. If you have trouble paying for the athletic fee, see Athletic Director Mr. Blok, Ms. Smoot, or the bookkeeper. Do not let the fee hold you back! Involvement in a spring sport grows friendships, helps you relax, and gives you something to look forward to on a regular basis. And it can’t hurt to be physically active after sitting in a classroom for eight hours in a row.
Once the paperwork is out of the way, decide which spring sport to be involved in. A plethora of options is available. If you are curious who the coach of your sport of choice is, here is a list of all OSAA spring sports coaches and their available contact information:
Baseball: Jamie Langton. Email: [email protected]. See on Instagram.
Softball: James Lambert. See beavertonhigh.softball on Instagram.
Track and Field: Bob Boyer (PE).
Girls’ Tennis: Pam Cottrell in room 211. See beavertonhigh.wtennis on Instagram.
Boys’ Tennis: Matthew Hottmann in room 102. See beavertonhigh.boystennis on Instagram.
Boys’ Golf: Ron Romanick (Health Careers). See beavertonhigh.boysgolf on Instagram.
Girls’ Golf: Erica Gilly. See beavertonhigh.girlsgolf on Instagram.
Spring sports start on March 2, so contact your coach to see what you need to bring to tryouts and what paperwork is needed. Get ready to represent Beaverton High! If you are curious about when games are, look around on to find dates and times. After all, community connects us!
beavertonhigh • Feb 28, 2020 at 9:52 am
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